Saturday, November 8, 2014

This is...

This is three eighths of my dysfunctional blended family,
We're standing on a large beige expansion of sand with mountains in the background
Our teeth are gritted into large smiles
The sand was in my teeth for days afterwards.
My brother, who's not pictured was probably off exploring the miles upon miles of hills.
I have a snowboard in my hand
That I would later tear down the sandy hills on
My sister is awkwardly attempting to stop the peppering winds from her sensitive skin
She stands close to my dad and I
This was my dad trying to glue our family back together

The car ride was a lot less crowded
Our Toyota Sequoia was only half full
My dad realized that no adhesive can mend a shattered family
Money and greed poisoned the hearts of of its members
So this year only my nuclear family made the trip out to Colorado
And enjoy our extensive playground
This time without the burden of judgemental eyes watching us everywhere we went.

1 comment:

  1. The way you've expressed your family unit as a fraction in the opening lines is powerful, as is the line "This was my dad trying to glue our family back together."
