Friday, October 24, 2014

rbz Sam Beam Musician 3.jpg
Lead singer of the band "Iron and Wine"
I asked the two librarians Mrs. Bernskoetter, and Mrs. Wooderson, about their music preferences and they did not disappoint. Mrs. Wooderson said that a song that reminds her of her childhood is “Ring Around the Rosie” and a couple other nursery rhymes. Mrs. B said that Particle Man by They Might be Giants. After that I asked them what their favorite singer or group or song is and why. Mrs. Wooderson responded with names such as Larry Norman, and Billy Joel. Mrs. B’s favorite group is Iron & Wine because it’s relaxing. Lastly, I asked them what artist do they really dislike or refuse to listen to. Mrs. Wooderson said that she doesn't like Barry Manalow. Mrs. B said that she likes all music except for rap music, there are only a few good rap songs from her point of view. Mrs. Bernskoetter was the one I related to most, musically, out of all of my interviewee’s.  Music that reminds me of my childhood is Jimmy Buffet, and Billy Joel. My favorite singer or group or song right now is The Griswolds, I really like their song “Beware the Dog”. I don’t particularly dislike any type of music. Some musical soundtracks are bad, and some rap is bad, but other than that I’ll listen to just about anything and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel pretty open-minded when it comes to music, too. I remember a former student of mine loving Iron and Wine but I don't think I've heard of the Griswolds. I need to get in the loop!
